Respect at Work


A multi-phased approach to addressing societal and workplace challenges.

For decades, most employer actions related to workplace conflicts, misconduct, and unprofessional behavior have been reactive. Policies have been implemented in response to legislation or legal rulings. Investigations have been conducted only after complaints arise. Compliance requirements exist primarily to meet federal mandates. Yet, challenges remain, both in the workplace and across society.

It’s time to take a different approach. Instead of simply reacting to issues, employers must focus on building a culture of professionalism, accountability, and mutual respect. A workplace where employees understand expectations, feel valued, and work together effectively leads to stronger teams, better collaboration, and higher productivity.

This training provides a structured approach to fostering workplace respect, preventing problems before they arise, and reinforcing expectations for professional behavior at all levels.

Phase 1. Respect at Work: Leader’s Edition

An open and honest discussion with executives, managers, and supervisors about their roles, responsibilities, and legal obligations in creating and maintaining a respectful workplace. Leaders will learn how to set expectations, address inappropriate behavior, and model the professionalism they expect from their teams.

Phase 2. Respect at Work: Team Edition

Once leadership is aligned with the organization’s commitment to workplace respect, it’s time to bring the entire team on board. Employees will learn what respectful behavior looks like, how to navigate differences in viewpoints, and what steps to take if they experience or witness inappropriate conduct. 

Phase 3. Respect at Work: Strategic Challenge

The next step depends on your organization’s specific needs. We offer resources, facilitate discussions, conduct workplace assessments to identify potential concerns, analyze fairness in workplace policies, provide guidance on handling complaints, and offer one-on-one coaching as needed.


By taking a proactive approach, organizations can move beyond compliance and create a workplace where professionalism, accountability, and mutual respect are embedded in the culture.

For details, pricing and scheduling, call 605.335.8198.